Bakalaura darbā “Dzīves traģiskās sajūtas koncepts Migela de Unamuno darbā “Par dzīves traģisko sajūtu”” tiek aplūkots traģiskās sajūtas koncepts un to veidojošie nosacījumi. Šī jēdziena analīzes procesā ietverta Unamuno ideja par cilvēku un tā pazīmēm: cilvēka kā konkrētas būtnes eksistence, vēlme pēc nemirstības un konflikts starp racionalitāti un iracionalitāti. Bakalaura darbā tiek pētītas arī traģiskās sajūtas izpausmes modernisma laikmetā un Dieva ideja. Darba procesā ņemtas vērā ne tikai Unamuno idejas, bet arī tām piemītošas pazīmes: autora darba stils, valoda, kā arī to saistība ar viņa biogrāfiju.The Bachelor Thesis “The Concept of tragic sense in Miguel de Unamuno's work “Tragic sense of life”” discusses the concept of tragic sen...
The yearning for immortality is a dimension of the tragicism of Miguel de Unamuno. This anthropologi...
Unarnuno is at once a great author and a philosopher Spain produced at the beginning of the 20th cen...
[ES] Study of personality, thought and content of the works of Miguel de Unamuno. It focuses on his ...
Tématem diplomové práce je výklad filosofických stanovisek španělského filosofa Miguela de Unamuna, ...
This thesis focuses in presenting Miguel de Unamuno’s concept of the tragic. Historically this conce...
Bakalářská práce se zabývá motivem smrti a utrpení v díle španělského filozofa M. de Unamuna. V prác...
(in English) The thesis deals with a complex analysis of Unamuno's The Tragic Sense of Life. The ass...
Varoluşçuluğun temsilcilerinden birisi olan Unamuno, eserlerini genellikle roman ve hikâye gibi edeb...
Praca jest przeglądem wybranych motywów w filozofii oraz literaturze Miguela de Unamuno ze szczególn...
Praca skupia się na ukazaniu autentyczności jako integralnego oraz istotnego aspektu "poczucia tragi...
[ES] El artículo pretende mostrar el significado filosófico de la incertidumbre del siempre inquieto...
“Człowiek z krwi i kości, który rodzi się, cierpi i umiera – przede wszystkim umiera – który je i p...
(in English): Religion has an important role in the work of Miguel de Unamuno. This bachelor thesis ...
This paper aims to analyze the problem of agony and death in the work of Miguel de Unamuno, how two ...
The article is an attempt to present the philosophy of Miguel de Unamuno, especially his conception ...
The yearning for immortality is a dimension of the tragicism of Miguel de Unamuno. This anthropologi...
Unarnuno is at once a great author and a philosopher Spain produced at the beginning of the 20th cen...
[ES] Study of personality, thought and content of the works of Miguel de Unamuno. It focuses on his ...
Tématem diplomové práce je výklad filosofických stanovisek španělského filosofa Miguela de Unamuna, ...
This thesis focuses in presenting Miguel de Unamuno’s concept of the tragic. Historically this conce...
Bakalářská práce se zabývá motivem smrti a utrpení v díle španělského filozofa M. de Unamuna. V prác...
(in English) The thesis deals with a complex analysis of Unamuno's The Tragic Sense of Life. The ass...
Varoluşçuluğun temsilcilerinden birisi olan Unamuno, eserlerini genellikle roman ve hikâye gibi edeb...
Praca jest przeglądem wybranych motywów w filozofii oraz literaturze Miguela de Unamuno ze szczególn...
Praca skupia się na ukazaniu autentyczności jako integralnego oraz istotnego aspektu "poczucia tragi...
[ES] El artículo pretende mostrar el significado filosófico de la incertidumbre del siempre inquieto...
“Człowiek z krwi i kości, który rodzi się, cierpi i umiera – przede wszystkim umiera – który je i p...
(in English): Religion has an important role in the work of Miguel de Unamuno. This bachelor thesis ...
This paper aims to analyze the problem of agony and death in the work of Miguel de Unamuno, how two ...
The article is an attempt to present the philosophy of Miguel de Unamuno, especially his conception ...
The yearning for immortality is a dimension of the tragicism of Miguel de Unamuno. This anthropologi...
Unarnuno is at once a great author and a philosopher Spain produced at the beginning of the 20th cen...
[ES] Study of personality, thought and content of the works of Miguel de Unamuno. It focuses on his ...